Below is an overview of the current meal plans on offer.
The first meal plan supports metabolic syndrome and I have made the breakfast recipe free for anyone to use. This is to give you an indication of what the recipes and plans will look like and whether you like the type of meals that I put together.
If you are interested in any of the complete weekly meal plans, there is a small charge. The reason for this is that a lot of hours and research have gone into creating the plans, and I've considered every single ingredient and what purpose it will serve the body in order for it to function more optimally.
As a bonus, when you purchase any of the full plans, they will come with a full explanation of why the various ingredients have been added to the dishes!
A one week meal plan to support someone with metabolic syndrome.
The breakfast is made available for free to everyone, but if you want the complete plan, get in touch to find out what options you have.
To purchase this plan, please get in touch.
To purchase this plan, please get in touch.